Parent Coaching

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What is Parent Coaching?

What is Parent Coaching? When is it time to seek Parent Coaching?

  • Our clinicians conduct Parent Coaching sessions in order to help parents gain and strengthen healthy skills to parent more effectively.
  • Parent Coaching sessions are beneficial to parents that may need assistance in developing plans to better address unwanted behaviors while improving the relationship between parent and child(ren) to build towards a healthier family dynamic. Having a Parent Coach is also an advocate for the parent(s), to feel supported and empowered.
  • It is a myth that scheduling Parent Coaching sessions means a parent has failed in any way! Parent Coaching is an excellent route for those seeking guidance with researched best practices.
  • Parents schedule Parent Coaching sessions as a preventative measure to hone their skills, as recommended by a therapist, or, when a parent starts to feel overwhelmed and/or lost with their child’s behaviors and the family dynamic. It is never too late to ask for help!

Can Parent Coaching be done in conjunction with my child’s therapy?

Yes, while not required, it is often very helpful to have Parent Coaching services alongside your child’s therapy. 

How Do I Know That My Child Won’t Just Outgrow These Behaviors?

  • Children usually engage in unwanted behaviors because they are benefiting them in some way. Sometimes a child will “outgrow” a certain behavior, however, they will typically replace it with another unwanted behavior if the root cause has not been addressed.
  • Parent Coaching can help identify the root cause of the behaviors and help develop the skills to teach your child more appropriate avenues to express their feelings and needs.

Co-Parent Coaching: What is it and how is it different from Parent Coaching?

  • Co-Parent Coaching is an effective tool to help navigate a healthy co-parenting relationship and stable environments for children post divorce.
  • Co-Parent Coaching helps both parents navigate the complexities of a child living in more than one environment. It can help when parents run tino disagreements on what is best for their children and help find common ground on parenting styles for children to have their needs met and thrive, regardless of the changes around them.
  • Just like individual Parent Coaching, Co-Parent sessions can provide both parents with tools and evidence based best practices to everyday problems.