Posted: November 4, 2021
Hello all,
On September 16, 2021, Therapy Etc celebrated its 5th birthday. Words cannot adequately encapsulate how amazing it has been to see a “pipe-dream” come to life. It is such an honor to support a community that has been a home to me since 5th grade. Coming from an abundance mindset, it my deepest wish to share my knowledge with others – from training the Therapy Etc staff and personal continued education to other mental health professionals, schools, and families.
The holiday season is often a time of reflection and gratitude. A time filled with my four most favorite F-words: family, friends, fun, and food! Be mindful of how you see yourself within each of those concepts (family, friends, fun, and food). Be aware of your emotional, mental, physical, and financial barometer, and make intentional choices. Choices that you can live with, that you can be proud of (as a person, partner, parent, professional, etc.).
Remember it is not your responsibility to control how other people think, feel, or act, but you are responsible for the way you respond/react/behave. Because that is what others see. One of my favorite quotes is by the acclaimed Maya Angelou, “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” Your choices matter.
As we enter the chaos and joy that these next 8 weeks will bring, take a moment to choose how you want to make others feel. Also take inventory of how your family, friends, fun, and food make you feel. The goal is a life of balance. If something needs to change, you can be the catalyst.
Be well,
Michelle - Owner, Clinical Director and Therapist